Save Singapore’s food history!
Singapore – December 23, 2020 – X-Inc, parent company of a group of businesses serving the food industry, today announced its plan to preserve Singapore’s food heritage. It is setting up a showcase featuring food- related items of Singapore’s past at its new XPACE building in Pandan Loop.
What sets this showroom apart from other private or national collections is that it will be the first focused on the food and hospitality industry.
This initiative is a collaborative effort where corporates and individuals can play a part in leaving a legacy for future generations.
“Being in the food industry for more than 80 years, X-Inc has had a front seat of the food scene in Singapore. It is a rich and colourful history that would be lost forever if we don’t do something about it. We are taking on the responsibility of ensuring that Singapore’s food history can continue to be shared with our young and upcoming generations. As such, we are calling on the food and hospitality industry to join us in this meaningful endeavour. Let’s chip in to save Singapore’s food history,” said Nichol Ng, Managing Director of X-Inc.
Every bit counts – whether it’s an old Milo or Ovatine tin, or the iconic pyramid-shaped Magnolia Milk packaging or Green Spot bottle. It can even be a carrier bag or food wrapper dating back to the 1990s or earlier.
Those who would like to contribute such items can contact Sheryl Low at 9182 9022 or email xtory@foodxervices.com by January 31, 2021.
The showroom is expected to be opened to the public for free in the second quarter of 2021.
About X-Inc Pte Ltd
Established in 2016, X-Inc is the parent of a group of companies that has been in the food business since the 1930s. With about 200 employees, more than 7,000 products and over 4,500 customers, it brings to life dreams in the food ecosystem – from foodservice and retail to logistics and property.